
860|880 Lake Shore Drive Buildings


The Mies Society website has some excellent material about the 860|880 buildings.

The Chicago History Museum has additional photographs of the 860|880 buildings during their construction.


“Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography, New and Revised Edition” (Franz Schulz & Edward Windhorst, 2012).
See pages 213, 273, 286, 288-92, 364-65, 367, 381, 408, 451n21; flaws of, 293; as masterly work, 293.

“Mies van der Rohe” (Jean-Louis Cohen, 1996 English language edition).
See pages 99-105, 114.

“Mies in America” (Phyllis Lambert, editor, 2001).
See page 785 for a listing of more than 75 pages that contain photographs or discussion of the 860|880 buildings. In particular, pages 354 – 371 are mostly photographs and text regarding the buildings.

“Mies van der Rohe – Lake Shore Drive Apartments: High-Rise Building” (Werner Blaser).
The entire book focuses on the 860|880 buildings.


Living In A Glass House
An article from the December 1987 issue of Chicago Magazine.


The National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form.

Photograph by Hedrich Blessing, courtesy of the Chicago History Museum.

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